Village Fee Schedule
Categories Listed in Alphabetical Order
Passed and adopted by the Village Board August 12th, 2021 at a Public Meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Passed and adopted by the Village Board August 12th, 2021 at a Public Meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Animal Regulatory Licenses
Dog License (spayed or neutered)
Dog License (not spayed or neutered)
Late Fee (after March 31st)
Records Request: (photo copies)
$0.25 per page
Records Request: CD/Cassette Tape
Records Request: Faxed Copies
Records Request: (Actual cost of locating a record if the cost is over $50)
$20 per hour
Records Request: (Actual cost of shipping and mailing of any copy or photograph)
$ actual
Copies per page/per side black and white
$ 0.25
Fax per page/per side
$ 0.25
NSF Checks
$35 plus bank fees
Special Assessment letter
Special Assessment letter RUSH (within 24 hours)
Special Meeting
Class "A" Fermented Malt Beverage Retailer's License
Class "B" Fermented Malt Beverage License
Temporary Class "B" Fermented Malt Beverages/Wine (picnic)
Class "A" Intoxicating Liquor Retailer's License
Class "A" Cider
No Fee
Class "B" Intoxicating Liquor
Class "B" Winery Only
Reserve "Class B"
$10,000 one time fee plus license fee
Operator's License (New or renewal)
Provisional License (Valid for 60 days)
Hall/Park Rental
Hall Rent Resident
Hall Rent Non-Resident
Refundable deposit equal to rent within 5 days of making reservation
Udeen Ball Park
Park Shelter are with 3 tables, with hall Resident
Park Shelter are with 3 tables, with hall Non-Resident
Accessory Structure, up to 150 sq. ft.
Accessory Structure, 150-600 sq. ft.
Accessory Structure, over 600 sq. ft.
Remodel/Alteration, $7.00 per $1,000 valuation or
$25 minimum
Erosion Control, less than 1 acre (53,560 sq. ft.)
Erosion Control, 1-5 acres
Decks/Ramps $7.00 per $1,000 valuation or
$25 minimum
Property Maintenance
Long grass abatement (once in June/August or more than 12")
$75 per lot
Violation of Ordinance
$100 per offence; No more than $200 per offence
Public Records
Reproduction fee per page
Mailing Fee
Actual cost
Sewer - monthly/billed quarterly
Hook up
$2500 per tap
Multiple (6) $25 per month per unit
Apartment (24 unit)
Bowling Alley
Dental Office
Storm water
$10 single / per building comm
Vehicle Violations
Parking in tow-a-way zones §380
Alternate side parking §380-3
Inoperable or wrecked/junk vehicles parked §295-1/ §280
$10 (per vehicle)
Stop sign violation
Campers/Trailers §371
$100 (per camper/trailer)
Parking reserved for handicap
Zoning & Land Use
Conditional Use Permit